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Photo Release Request

Only photos published in a Daily Record & Observer, LLC publication or displayed on our web sites are available for purchase. The photos are available for personal use only and supplied in their original digital format (email or disc). Photos will be sent via email (please provide a valid email address) or on a CD for pick-up at our office. The fee for photo(s) is $25.00 plus tax per image, and must be paid in advance by credit card.

In the area below, indicate the date and page the photo(s) you are interested in appeared. If there are multiple pictures on the page, indicate the one you're interested in by including the cutline information.

Please allow 2 working days for completion of your order.

* Denotes required information

Photo Information:

* Publication's Name:
* Publication Date:
* Page # or link
* Number of photos to purchase:
* Location or Description of photo:
* Format: Email (Self-print)
CD (Pick-up or courier)

Contact Information:

* First Name
* Last Name
* E-mail Address:
* Phone

Credit Card Information:

* Credit Card #
* Expiration Date (MMYY)
* Card CVV2 Security Code What is this?
* First name (as it appears on card)
* Last name (as it appears on card)
* Billing address
* City
* Zip

A status page will displayed following submission.
